阎晶明 编辑
2002年4月, 应美国东方文化基金会,美国中国作家协会和耶鲁大学的邀请,他随中国作家代表团访问参观了洛杉矶,华盛顿,纽约和其他城市,到耶鲁大学和马克吐温故居进行了文化交流。
作为文艺评论家多次参加影视研讨,由袁莉、斯琴高娃、胡亚捷、申军谊等主演的电视连续剧《母亲,母亲》在安徽卫视和东方卫视热播后,2012年9月22日,编剧赵冬苓,导演李云亮,文艺评论家仲呈祥、阎晶明、曾庆瑞、范咏戈等做了精彩研讨发言。编剧赵冬苓归纳了红色母亲成功炼成的原因,与会专家认为《母亲,母亲》突破了以往“宅门戏”的窠臼,是家族叙事的一次成功突围。图为《文艺报》总编阎晶明 。
作为文化名人多次赴各地交流。2013年5月31日,“文化名人进校园”活动在西北师范大学举行,作家贾平凹、刘震云,评论家雷达,以及来自中国社会科学院、兰州大学等高校和科研机构的专家学者参加了本次活动。中国文学如何“走出去”也成了与会代表讨论的焦点。甘肃省作协主席邵振国认为,中国文学走向世界,要趋向于民族性书写及本民族自身命运的关怀,趋向于树立形象背后的生命意识,趋向于具有清醒的文体意识。《文艺报》总编辑阎晶明 表示,中国文学走向世界,对于作家而言不应该刻意地去追求,而是通过自己的文学实践和思想价值去被世界认可,否则就失去了文学的本真。他同时提出,“中国文学今后更应该向传统文学看齐,向经典看齐,这样才能从细节中做到最质朴的文化自信”。
《闯关东前传》宣传总监王奎龙介绍,该剧热播后,阎晶明发表文章,呼吁有责任的作家做大历史的书写者 。引发反响。
中国作家协会第九届全国委员会委员。 第十三届全国政协文化文史和学习委员会委员。
《鲁迅与陈西滢》,河北人民出版社 2002,262页 I S B N : 9787202026489
《鲁迅的文化视野》,北京: 昆仑出版社, 2001. 2004, 285页, ISBN, 7-80040-757-8,
《独白与对话》,出版社:山东文艺出版社,10/01/2004 ,ISBN:7532923444
A well known writer,a famous Novelist and Literature Critic, he was born in Shanxi province of China in 1961. He graduated from the Shanxi University with a BA Degree in 1983, his first degree in Chinese literature, as the first professional is China Ancient Literature, same year, he has gained admission to the Department of Chinese Literature of Shaanxi Normal University, become a full-time post-graduate student for study to Lu Xun and history of modern Chinese literary , and then he post-graduated from the Sichuan University and access to a Literature Master 's degree in 1986.
1986-2002, He has a position in Branch Association of Shanxi of China Writers Association at Taiyuan city, now He holds a position in the China Writers Association at Beijing. he has published many book, For example the following books,Decade of Evolution --The New Era Literary Sde View(1992), Criticized the strategy (1996),Lu Xun's Cultural Vision(2001), Lu Xun and Chen Xi Ying (2001),Monologues and Dialogue (2004), and he became Editor-in-Chief of The Lu Xun's Seech ,New Citicism Series, Novel Series for the Great Western China,etcetera.
April 2002 , The visit is the result of an invitation the U.S. Eastern Culture Foundation,the Association of Chinese Writers and the Yale University, he with a delegation of China Writers Association to visited the Los Angeles, Washington, New York and other cities, on a visit to the Yale University and Mark Twain‘s Former Residence for cultural exchanges.
He accessed to The Youth Critics Award of The Second Session of the Feng Mu Literature Prize of China. (Translated by Nan Ke Zhou)